
I was first introduced to Karin’s work at 19 years old, a college student with crippling anxiety, struggling from years of unrecognized trauma. Though Karin’s work is not therapy, I had many therapeutic benefits from her practice including re-learning to trust my body and find my strength.

Through Karin’s work, I have rediscovered a deeper sense of trust and love. With a past of sexual trauma, I found so much healing through learning to trust my body, my given environment, and the energy of the Earth. Through this trust, I found an indescribable radiating love for the strength and resilience of my body. My body is a force of sacred energy, speaking at deafening volumes. Through her work, I found my voice was not only in my throat, but it was in my chest, my sacrum, even in my toes.

I used to think all thoughts came from my mind, but through Karin’s work I have come to realize my brain is just my body’s translator. I am more than a talking head, I am a powerful spiritual being from the follicles on my head to the tips of my toes. Karin is an excellent facilitator of self discovery.

Karin has a vast knowledge of so many different subjects: from Chinese medicine, to botany, to spiritual/ religious practices across the entire world, to sailing, and everything in between. She weaves in examples of her research and life experiences through out practices, inviting a more global, widened perspective. -J.

Doing one on one work with Karin has been transformative in my life. I've been participating in The Art and Practice of Movement with her for about five years now. Before the first session with her, I remember walking my dog and trying to feel and force my feet to touch the ground, but no matter how hard I tried, I felt like I was hovering above the ground. For most of my life I have been disconnected from the lower half of my body, even verbally rejecting my legs. The first time I moved with her, it was like she showed me where the plug was from the earth to my feet, and I plugged in. After five years of her guidance and wonderful word pictures, I walk differently in the world, connected, almost feeling like deep roots are attached to my feet to the core of the earth. Although I could write a whole book on the amount of life changing moments I have had and continue to have, another significant one was in regards to my ears. All through my childhood I was teased for my big ears, and learned to hate and reject them myself. During one session, Karin led me through taking my finger and making small cirlces on my face, and then she told me to do the same with my ears. As I was making these small circular motions with my fingers over my ears, I had a surge of delight and appreciation come over me, I think I even giggled and cried a little...I was in love with my ears and in awe of my ears, and accepted their uniqueness. From the beautifully curated music to the intuitive healing guidance, Karin has been a crucial guide to my True Self. She has created a space to meet my depths and find Love. -F.

I studied dance as a young girl.  Ballet, Modern, Salsa. The practice of movement and dance had been so important to my spiritual and mental expression.  Doing échappés to Peace Frog by The Doors on the hardwood floors of my mountain home gave me such a feeling of freedom and strength.  Creating a collaborative piece with fellow Modern dancers to Enya’s Sail Away was one of my early forays into working on costumes and learning the power of dress combined with movement.  As the years rolled on, that part of me faded as I prioritized the more menial aspects of my adult life. I hadn’t realized how separate I had become from my body until I prepared for the birth of my daughter.  So many aspects of the interaction between my body and my Psyche were severed and I had to put forward great effort to try and re-establish some of those connections. Past physical trauma from the rigors of grad school re-surfaced and I didn’t have a place to put the frustration and anger I felt towards my own abandonment of my physical self.  I was immediately drawn to the concept Karin expressed regarding her work with movement and how she facilitates the re-connecting of the body and spirit. I eagerly signed up and held expectations loosely as I knew that this type of work can manifest so differently form one person to another. I loved that Karin took the time to communicate what I could expect and let me know that sometimes the process can bring up pain (mental, spiritual or physical) that I wasn’t aware of and ask for it to be addressed.  Throwing myself fully into our first session I moved with wild abandon, following the directions her voice provided, enveloping myself in the world of movement and re-connecting with the power and potential of my body. By the end of the session I desperately needed the cool down, self-care time that Karin provided and when I was ready, the verbal processing that she welcomed to round out our time together. So many things came up as I threw myself around her studio: the death of a friend that recently happened, my struggle with what it means to be a mother, and most vibrantly, my struggle with exerting too much control and intensity in my daily life, including in how I moved through the space.  The next day I had so much pain in my left arm and discovered that I had triggered a multi-layered injury. The physical therapist noted that it was a repetitive motion injury that I finally unlocked and could address, the massage therapist found a well of grief that I had not acknowledged and processed in the injury and my councilor helped me move through it verbally. When I returned to Karin’s studio, we moved slowly, deliberately, listening to my body for signs of comfort and pain. I trusted my body in a way I never had before and Karin responded by changing the movement in the moment based on what she could see and sense about how my body was dictating the session. Karin’s incredibly deep and abiding connection with the spiritual world allowed her to verbalize and direct my movements in ways that were specifically perfect for me and always what I needed.  She listened and reacted to me and to her own instincts, and created an environment where belief in the power of the full and complete self was not only possible, but was decisively perfect and attainable. I wept openly through the session and the catharsis of tears mixed with slowing down to respect and honor my body was otherworldly. Through truly listening to my body, I began to have compassion for my inner child, the most vulnerable part of myself that is usually the brunt of my negative self-talk. For the first time in as long as I can remember I had heart knowledge of my value, not just head knowledge. I could feel and sense what I needed and began to see the mental, spiritual and physical components knitting themselves back together, re-acquainting themselves through the work. I am forever grateful for the work Karin has done with me and I know I will return for regular maintenance now that I truly grasp the grace, power and freedom that her movement work provides. - S.